Hi!!! Thanks for stopping by! I’m really excited to bring you this week’s Crafty Connections!

Each and every week I scour the interwebs and gather the best tutorials, tips, and informative links to help with your handmade craft business. In addition, I’ll post links to cool crafty DIY projects, and blogs I think are worth following. Enjoy!


    7 Dazzling Ways to Ignite Your Creative Spark
    "breathe" recycled wooden sign
    If you currently feel like you’re sitting in a dark cave and the fire of creativity refuses to be ignited, you’ll find seven ways to ignite your creative spark.


    Learn How: Using Hoot Suite
    strawberry jelly owl
    What do I love about Hoot Suite? So many things. Here’s how it makes my online life so much easier…


    Improving Your Etsy Listings: Item Descriptions
    When customers are searching sites like Google for something specific, the first 160 characters of your item description shows in the results. It’s important to utilize that small amount of text to grab potential customers attention.


    Marketing that Speaks without the Slimy Ways + 40 Ideas to Get You Started
    Weddings, notecards, globes - oh my!
    It seems sometimes in conversation the word “marketing” feels like a four-letter word. Beyond the fear, confusion and overwhelming feelings it can instill into the heart of many-a business owner, marketing seems to also just feel so icky sometimes.


    DIY- Six Paper Flowers
    DIY- Six Paper FlowersHere you’ll find 6 of the best DIY flower tutorials. If spring hasn’t sprung where you are, you can make your own flowers instead of waiting for them to grow!


If you know of any good handmade craft marketing resources I should include in the next Crafty Connections post please don’t hesitate to email me, or leave the link(s) in the comments section! I would love to be able to share these great resources with everyone! Also, are these links helpful to you? Let me know! I appreciate the feedback!!!! Thank you so much!
